At the end of the day, our employees are telling us they want more than just a competitive salary to feel motivated in the workplace. They want to feel safe, secure and appreciated AND be rewarded for both working hard and achieving results.
Effective recognition and rewards programs provide employees:
A fair return for their work (outputs and effort).
Motivation to maintain and improve their performance.
Clarity and consistency of expectation in relation to behaviours and results.
Transparency and consistency in application of recognition and reward programs.
5 things to Consider
Employees generally perceive that what is rewarded is what the organisation wants. You get what you reward so ensure what you want is clear, communicated and applied consistently.
Types of rewards (other than financial incentives) could be:-
Hand written cards (don’t underestimate the value of these)
Flowers / chocolates
Flexible schedules
Additional time off
Pick of next projects / assignments
Increased responsibility
Certificates (ie employee of the months)
Professional development opportunities
Social activities
Health and Well being initiatives – massage, gym memberships, pilates/yoga, healthy eating programs etc.
How do you reward your staff?
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