8 Tips to Setting Rock-Solid Goals

Our last two blogs have been about reflection. This one will get you facing forward and focusing on the future. You don’t always have to think big—sometimes it’s about setting goals that are achievable, too.

  • What are your financial targets and strategies for each quarter of 2023 (ie in 90 day blocks)? Tip: Start with where you want to be in December 2023 and work in backward blocks.
  • What process or tactic did you undertake in 2022 that you want to KEEP in 2023??
  • What process or tactic did you undertake in 2022 that you want to STOP in 2023?
  • What process or tactic do you want to START in 2023?
  • Do you need to add any staff in 2023? Are there any staff changes that need to be made in 2023 to improve the overall team?
  • What is one thing that you need to do in 2023 that will both benefit the future of the company AND your personal enjoyment?

These are just several ideas to get you started thinking about potential goals for 2023. Set yourself up for success in 2023–that means don’t just write down the goals and forget about them. Follow up! Build your 90 day sprint for Jan-March in December. Regroup and make sure you check with yourself and your team regularly.

  1. For each goal, write out your goal in detail: Make it clear, specific and measurable. It’s important that you actually commit this to writing.
  2. Make sure your goals are achievable and controllable.
  3. For each goal, write WHY the goal is important to you: How will it change your life? How will achieving it make you feel? Build the emotion and connectivity to your goal to raise it’s importance.
  4. List the main obstacles and limitations that stand between you and your goals. If you have set this goal before, write down why you haven’t achieved this yet and what has stopped you.
  5. List any additional knowledge / education / support / collaboration you need to achieve your goal.
  6. Now drill down. For each goal, make a list of actions: Everything you can think of that you will have to do to achieve your goals.
  7. Organise your list by priority (importance) and sequence (what must you do before something else).
  8. Set deadlines on each action you are going to take.

Some things to remember when planning and goal setting:

  • Make goals a part of your regular lifestyle: Do something every day to achieve your goals to keep them front of mind
  • Write your goals down and have them somewhere accessible (if possible, displayed where you can see them regularly)
  • Tell someone else about your goals – the more the better
  • Set Review Points for your goals – calendar them now in your diary (to review at least bi-annually, plus calendar your action points)
  • Set up an Accountability Partner or appoint a coach / trainer to work with you to build accountability and frequency of talking about your goals and actions. What you focus on expands. Ask me about how we can help you with this!
  • Celebrate like crazy small wins! Make sure you congratulate yourself. Celebrations help us lock things in and motivate us to continue!

What if the thought of reviewing performance, goal setting and planning action points just adds to your stress levels?

If thinking about all of the above makes you feel anxious or exhausted, here’s my suggestion to you:

Disregard all. 

You may already be overwhelmed by lists, goals, action plans and projects.

So instead, develop a list of all the things you are NOT going to do next year and what’s NOT URGENT (i.e. doesn’t need to be done in the next quarter).

And enjoy the feeling of release instead.

Your business should be there to support you. To help to create the life and lifestyle you wish to enjoy.

Any questions?

If you have questions on this topic or any others, feel free to reach me by email or set up a free one-on-one consultation session, or drop me a comment below.