Conduct a sweep of your HR policies and procedures with our new compliance checklist!

Ensuring your HR Policies and Procedures are up to date and compliant has never been more important than it is now.  The start of a new financial year isn’t just about getting your organisation’s finances in  order. While tax dominates business discussions in the lead-up to 30 June, it’s equally important to also do a review on all of your employment obligations.

Neglecting your HR Policies and Procedures can have long-term consequences and bind your organisation to out of date requirements. Not being able to keep up with the trends and current issues such as working-from-home, social media guidelines can have costly outcomes. It is essential to keep your business and your team always informed and compliant!

Here is a quick checklist to cross check your compliance:-

  1. Have you checked you are compliant with your Award? It is important to check that you have made all the necessary Award updates as there could be underpayment consequences later in the year. It is also important to check that you are compliant with all areas of the Award (not just the pay rates) such as allowances.
  2. Have you conducted a review of your HR Policies that cover “hot-button” issues such as social media, work-from-home, workplace bullying, sexual harassment and/or complaints handling? We recommend that you should review your Grievance Policy, Fair Treatment or Bullying & Harassment Policy and Code of Conduct annually.
  3. Do you review your employment contracts annually? In addition to this, it is also important to check role/position descriptions and KPI’s especially if they are referenced in a contract of employment.
  4. If you are making additional payments i.e. bonuses, car allowances and so on do you know if you are paying them correctly and are they in line with the terms explained?
  5. Have you reviewed your Contractors to ensure you are compliant?

If you need assistance with any of these areas, we are happy to help. Please email us at or call us on +61 412 393 068

