Whether you’re looking to hire now or think you may need to hire in the future, hiring the RIGHT talent is extremely important to your company’s results and future growth.
How do you (or us for that matter) know when recruitment is an issue?
These are a few of what we call the “points of pain” that determine whether recruitment might be an issue in your company. If you find yourself agreeing with these issues, then you might need to think about your hiring process and start considering how to right the wrongs.
Recruitment isn’t necessarily about replacing what you’ve got, but rather putting people in place who are the best fit and deliver the best performance for your business.
Typical recruitment failures include:
Uh-oh, do these sound familiar? Read on then.
Putting the wrong person in your business not only costs you in terms of start up and lost time, but also in productivity, sales, outcomes and relationships. And when we say relationships, we mean not only business key relationships, but also the culture of your team.
If we put numbers to this problem, here’s how it breaks down:
First step to fixing a recruitment problem: Don’t wait for the problem.
Get on top of your recruitment needs by forecasting the next 12 months of your resources (meaning your team) and think about skill sets you need for growth, what is the likely staff turnover and how to get ahead of that turnover.
In order to hire properly, you need to understand:
Then take a look at the formula we use as a guide to help and apply it to your business:
Next, you need to consider what outcomes from this particular role will make you happy with what this person has done for the business.
Then, you recruit based on finding people who have achieved those outcomes rather than someone who has just done those tasks.
Just like in your business, if you’re not good at a particular role or task, then you would hire someone to do it who is.
So you don’t lodge your financials properly, you get in trouble with the tax department and cost your business a lot of money. In that same vein, don’t try to do the recruitment if you don’t how to do it.
Hire someone like BespokeHR to help you navigate this process. We’re different from typical recruitment agencies:
Plus, we do it on a model that doesn’t include a % salary fee, like most recruitment agencies. So you save while you grow.
If your interested in a different way of doing recruitment, now’s the time to have a chat with us.
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