How to lift the lid on your leadership

By the way – we now have a monthly Bespoker Toolkit Program where we drip feed one super useful tool a month with a live online coaching of the tool and also general coaching queries following the call. You can access these through our monthly Bespoke Circle retainer programs or our Leadership Development Program.

Want to find out more – respond back to this email with tell me more! This month’s VIP tool is Leadership Lid. 


Effective leadership has never been more important than it is right now!

Not only are people around the world crying out for effective leadership, so too are our organisations.

Business leaders have many responsibilities at all levels of the organisation ranging from undertaking process tasks to mentoring and leadership. A business leader must assess their role and tasks and evolve on an ongoing basis in order to grow themselves and their areas of responsibility and accountability. 

They must consciously let go of some of the original roles (or ways they have been doing things) in order to allow growth. To concentrate more on strategic thinking, leaders need to provide a greater degree of trust in employees as they take on more responsibility.  This in turns allows the business leader to concentrate more on strategic thinking, business development and growth as a leader.

Here are 10 ways you can lift the lid on your leadership:

  1. Ensure you are aware of both yours and your team habits and traits that lead to both successful and non-successful performance. 
  2. Include others. If you can do it alone, it’s not big enough or you’re not doing it properly. Think about working with other’s more collaboratively so you can achieve far greater things.
  3. Become accountable. Take responsibility for mistakes and achieving goals.
  4. Take the lead on tasks that others don’t like doing and review better ways to do them.
  5. Assess and address your people skills and strategic planning skills
  6. Choose and achieve something each day as long as it has context in the bigger picture.
  7. Build a process to continually seek feedback on an ongoing process. DO NOT die wondering about how you are viewed in the organisation and about any areas you could review.
  8. Stop doing things that don’t work.
  9. Assess how you react in stressful situations and know your triggers so you can self-regulate.
  10. Purposefully expand your knowledge on a continuous basis.


In celebration of International Women’s day, we would like to give a big shout out to all the ladies and say a big thank you to all the amazing female leaders, peers, collaborators, pioneers and mentors who inspire us all every day. Happy International Women’s day!

What 1 action could you do today to lift the lid on your leadership?