I am thrilled to share with you our brand new, shiny auditing tool which we have spent the last few months researching, refining and developing as a key metrics tool for our fabulous clients.
Based on Bespoke HR’s People Success Framework, The People Success Scorecard is a comprehensive business audit to help you identify your strengths, challenge your weaknesses and recommend a tailored roadmap, specifically individual for your business, based on your score.
The People Success Framework is our signature model that we apply to all the work we do, which combines over 25 years of experience in understanding what makes great people, great workplaces and great companies.
Over the years, we have condensed business success down to this:
Define your organisational goals, vision and values
Attract high calibre, highly motivated, high performing talent
Manage people with confidence, capability and exceptional communication
Grow and scale your business with appropriate systems and review processes
This 15 minute, 59-question business audit will provide you with a detailed and comprehensive, tailored people plan which is unique and individualised to your challenges, pain points and frustrations within your business.
Your scorecard will reflect your current performance in the following areas:
Whether it be you’re hitting a stuck point in your business where scaling seems overwhelming, or you’re understaffed and under-resourced, or you’re having trouble finding talent in a competitive market, or having internal communication problems or dealing with unmotivated staff members, The People Success Audit provides key recommendations and consultation on whichever area you may be struggling with most.
The audit is FREE for all our Bespoke friends to use, and we feel confident it will provide you with insights, ‘aha’ moments and clarity around which areas you are thriving in, whilst imparting solutions to those areas you’re just surviving.
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