Leadership Quiz: How did you compare?

With this month’s focus on leadership, I thought I’d have a little fun with you all and create the Celebrity Leader Quiz.

In the last 20 days we’ve had over 700 people take the quiz!

So if you’re curious how you matched up with your peers, here’s the results of the whole group:

What this tells me is that we’re a group of highly social action takers! 🙂

Read on to learn why I believe DISC assessments are so important:

Why DISC Personality Profile?

Graduates of my Leadership and Development Training Programs know the importance I place on using DISC assessments to understand our capabilities and strengths and weaknesses.

(The foundation of my 1-Day Leadership Program is a professional DISC assessment – which is then built upon with tailored leadership plans and strategies based on your unique leadership style, as revealed by DISC)

A DISC assessment is an eerily accurate measure of our attitudinal and behavioural tendencies when we are at work, making decisions, dealing with others, while under pressure and more.

As a leader or manager, DISC assessments can help you in two important ways:

1. Self knowledge

Discover your own (sometimes unconscious) tendencies. So that you can build a team around you with complementary skill sets. Create the processes and structures you need to be most effective. And open up your eyes to your weaknesses (which are your biggest opportunities to grow and become a more skilful leader).

2. Team knowledge

What if you knew exactly how each of your team members needed to be communicated with? What they liked and disliked in a working environment? Each team members’ tendencies and strengths and weaknesses? This knowledge can help you allocate tasks, improve team structure and even select the right candidates.

So for those of you who aren’t aware of DISC – it stands for:

  • D = Dominance
  • I = Influence
  • S = Stability/Security
  • C= Compliance

This model is a 4-quadrant behavioural model based on the work of William Moulton Marsten and looks at behavioural styles and preferences. He says that everyone has a component of all of these qualities, but in different proportions.

Below I’ll give you a rundown on how to communicate with each of the main DISC personality profiles.

So why not send the quiz to your team, and get a rough idea of their personality style?

Communicating With Each DISC Type

As a leader or manager, you can be more effective when you understand the tendencies and needs of your team members.

Here’s what to watch out for when dealing with each personality type:

D-type personality

  • High D’s are extroverted and task focused.
  • To be aware of: they can be frustrated when people don’t have the same standard as them and can be perceived as direct or arrogant.
  • DO: be direct, to the point, clear and specific. Have a strong handshake, confident tone of voice, provide information in concise dot points. 

I-type personality

  • High I’s are extroverted and people focused.
  • To be aware of: they can misjudge the abilities of others (as they like to see the best in people), may over promise and can trust too quickly.
  • DO: be friendly, use enthusiastic voice, have a high energy around them 

S-type personality

  • High S’s are introverted and people focused.
  • To be aware of: enthusiasm levels can see low sometimes, are slower at making decisions and may not project sense of urgency. They have low confidence and don’t like taking risks.
  • DO: check in on how they are going, be patient, warm, lower tone of voice and tell them the why. 

C-type personality

  • High C’s are introverted and task focused.
  • To be aware of: they have low trust level of others (first you prove, then they trust), can be inflexible, can see friendly banter as a waste of time, process orientated and can be overly sensitive to criticism.
  • DO: Provide details/all information, maintain good eye contact and use restricted body language.

Understanding what you and your team are can be extremely valuable in knowing how to communicate, influence outcomes and build tailored professional development plans.

What will an Employee Code of Conduct policy do you for?

  • Sets out your company values (you can add your specific values to this document as well)
  • Ensures the ethics of your organisation at all levels
  • Gives you a reference guide to establish behavioural standards
  • Allows you to have conduct discussions with clear guidelines to reference

Plus, it addresses key legislative compliance requirements around risky issues such as bullying, discrimination, harassment and more.

Any questions?

If you have questions on this topic or any others, feel free to reach me by email or set up a free one-on-one consultation session, or drop me a comment below.

Thanks for sharing!