Onwards and Upwards…. Individual reflections of 2022

December has arrived.

And what a crazy year have we have all had.

Personally and professionally. 

And now is the time as we head to the end of the year, to take a breath and reflect.

To appreciate everything you have gone through and achieved. 

To note your lessons.

Maybe your goals were not all hit this year or maybe you smashed them,

But what most of us have done this year, is unite as a team and help each other out.

So let’s break down this crazy year we have all had and make something positive of it by grabbing some awesome learnings and setting your 2023 up for success.  

Start With the Positives

Write down your answers to each question.

  • What are your top 3 achievements in 2022 (tip – give yourself a break here and recognise just getting through the year)?
  • What were your 3 top decisions you made that were beneficial and why? 
  • What processes or tools did you develop that worked?
  • What did you spend the most time on this year that paid off
  • What was the best moment with your team this year?

Things to Work on

Now it’s time to think back on the year and take the time to examine what didn’t work for you and your team.

  • What’s one big lesson you learned in 2022?
  • What 1-3 things you wish you did differently?
  • What were your three biggest disappointments in 2022, business-wise?
  • What did you spend time on this year that didn’t pay off or I resented?
  • What was the worst moment with your team this year?