According to the HR Australian Institute, HR mechanisms and having robust systems in place can have just as much of an impact on retention as leaders, team members and other factors we’ve been listing over the last few weeks.
If you are the business owner and HR Manager (we know you where many different hats as a manager or owner), here are some things you can do to tighten up your systems and policies to improve retention.
*The following table has been sourced from the HR Australian Institute.
Job descriptions that are linked to wider team and organisational goals show employees how their role contributes to wider strategic business objectives.
Provide an open communication platform between employees and managers stating expectations and enabling conversations around learning and development, and career progression.
Organisations which take a more holistic approach to health and safety (e.g., psychological wellness) will likely benefit – demonstrates an extra level of caring for employees.
Want to learn more ways you can level up your HR systems within your business to improve retention, increase engagement and foster better productivity? Book a consultation with one of our experienced HR & Recruitment specialists today. Email us at
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