Seven small changes to make to your recruitment strategies in 2022 to create big impact

In late 2021, recruitment began to pick up again after a dip in requirements due to uncertainty from the pandemic.

However, since this increase, the uptake of positions has not quite matched the demand for positions vacant. 

Do we currently have a labor shortage? In some ways, it seems so, due to people reflecting on what is most important to them in life, with many choosing to spend more time with their families and less time working. 

Here are a few ways to reposition your business in a competitive labor market and stand out from the crowd when it comes to attracting talent. 

1. Identifying non-traditional talent

This includes looking internally at where there might be a cross-section of skills and attributes that could easily transition into new roles, bringing a new flavour and flair for the work produced. 

This cross-pollination of skills with non-traditional roles provides a range of opportunities for increased innovation, productivity and new outcomes for the business. 

2. Focusing on your employer brand

What does your current external-facing communications and marketing of your business from a potential employee’s perspective look like? 

By focusing on driving some strategic key messaging around what it’s like to work for your company, you could drastically improve the calibre of talent you’re attracting to work for you. 

A great example of a sensational employer brand is Netflix, who provide clear demonstrable examples of what it might look like to work for their organisation, and who might be a great fit for their company. 

3. Using different methods of communication in recruiting

Traditionally, recruitment has always followed a specific process, on particular channels — for example — a job ad may be placed on, and then candidates followed up via email or phone call. 

However, with ever-evolving platforms and communication channels, you may be missing out on a pool of talent, particularly up and coming talent from emerging generations. 

Are there opportunities to leverage Facebook’s recruitment tool, or LinkedIn, or even Tik Tok?

With changes in different skills needed for the future workforce, the key to unlocking and discovering new talent may lie in our recruitment strategies and revising traditional advertising platforms. 

4. Revisiting previous candidates who may have missed out 

Did you have some exceptional candidates for a role that may have missed out due to competing talent, or they may have not quite fitted a particular role profile?

With skill requirements constantly changing, and a slight decrease in current recruits, it may be timely to go through that expired resume pile, and see if there are any stand-out candidates that emerge through a set of fresh eyes and perspective. 

5. Partner with universities and trade schools 

Are you missing out on exceptional new talent through only focusing on candidates that have “3-5 years experience” on their CV?

Universities are always on the lookout for business partners to provide training and placement opportunities to students. 

By offering a grad program or a structured work experience program, it provides exposure to up and coming talent that you may have not initially known about and also allows you a trial period of getting to know someone without the risk of a lock-in contractual obligation, enabling you to see if they’re a right fit for your company. 

6. Revising and tightening up recruitment processes

It is all too common for businesses to miss out on an exceptional candidate because their recruitment process has been too time-intensive or disorganised. 

Chances are, a great candidate who is currently in the job market may have one or more conflicting offers on the table at the same time. 

If you don’t have the appropriate paperwork, take too long to get back to references, or drag out the process with over-complicated testing and gaps between interviews, you may lose out, and the candidate will accept a different offer in the process. 

Revise your processes to see if any part of your process is ‘clunky’, unnecessary or drawn-out. 

7. Utilising remote working offers to access national and global talent pools 

With global changes to the way we work over the last few years due to the pandemic, it is far more common, with the right foundations and infrastructure set up now for employees to work remotely and still deliver exceptional outcomes. 

Are some of your roles suitable for being advertised as a remote position? If so, you could be opening yourself up to a wider pool of talent that is not limited geographically. 


Want to start your year fresh and with a bang? Are you ready to step into the next level of your leadership, business growth and potential? 

Take our signature Bespoke HR Culture IQ Score to see how you benchmark against 13 key areas of business, and where your strengths and opportunities lie. 

This fully customised report will address the areas in your business that may be leading to people problems, productivity bottlenecks and lower levels of engagement and staff retention. 

Take the FREE assessment here. It takes 10 minutes to complete.